How much CBD oil should i take?

The optimal dosage of cannabidiol product or CBD oil is a guarantee that the therapeutic effect will be maximum. When the patients find their norm, they improve their well-being and save on the drug. To date, the standard starting dose of CBD is 0.25 mg* per body weight in pounds. As a result, the average dose for an adult ranges from 30 to 50 mg per day. Medical specialists who prescribe CBD oil and other forms of the drug (like CBD gummies, CBD capsules, and CBD vape oil) to their patients recommend dividing the daily dose into morning and evening. Thus, it is possible to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect.

At the same time, each patient should remember that there is no universal dose. The patient’s task is to independently find the optimal dose by gradually increasing the daily dosage in 5-7 days increments. The ideal dose for everyone depends on the weight, metabolism, type of CBD-containing product, and the patient’s physique. You can spend up to 3 weeks identifying the optimal dose, so do not despair if you cannot immediately determine it. Medical experts do not recommend rushing to increase the dosage of CBD if the effect does not occur instantly.

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