What is CBD?

Cannabidiol (abbreviated as CBD) is one of the active components of marijuana, the proportion of which in the plant extract of cannabis reaches 40%. Unlike tetrahydrocannabinol, also found in the plant, Cannabidiol has no effect on the psyche. It does not provoke hallucinations and euphoria, but it can regulate patients’ anxiety states. It also helps to streamline cognitive processes.

Cannabidiol also has an anticonvulsive effect and acts as a sedative. Israeli scientists have also confirmed the stimulating effect of CBD on the formation of bone tissue, which suggests its possible use for patients with fractures. In addition, they are actively researching the effectiveness of Cannabidiol in treating oncological diseases.

Today, despite the clinically proven benefits of Cannabidiol in the treatment of a wide range of pathologies, this substance causes a lot of controversy in the scientific community. There are a lot of data supporting that cannabidiol is safe for the human body. Conducted studies on both animals and patients confirm this fact. It is also known that CBD can enhance the psychoactive effects of THC when interacting with tetrahydrocannabinol.

CBD is a “wonder-cure” to many ailments. That’s why there is a wide variety of CBD products that you can find online. These products aim to promote overall wellness. These products include oil, gummies, vape oil or e-liquid, creams, roll-on topicals, sleep aids, capsules, bath bombs, and drinks. There are even products for pets.

More: CBD Oil, CBD Gummies, CBD Vape Oil.

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