What is CBD flower?

CBD flower is a dried flower of the cannabis plant. It ontains less than 0.3% tetrahydrocannabinol. The flower is an ordinary marijuana cone of a variety with a low content of psychoactive cannabinol.

A distinctive characteristic of the CBD flower is that its use in any form (smoking, vaping, extract) will not provoke the euphoria of cannabis with a high THC content. Cannabis flowers have become a popular base for medicinal oils and other biologically active additives. Flowers are also used as an ingredient for creams, tinctures, massage mixtures, and a lot of other products. They have virtually no psychoactive effects like CBD oil.

CBD, in the form of flowers, is exclusively beneficial for a person’s mental and physical health. It is almost impossible to overdose on them. If you smoke or consume CBD-grade cannabis flower in any other form, your body may still experience a synergy between the two powerful cannabinoids. The substances that makeup CBD marijuana create the so-called entourage effect, provoking an increase in any properties of cannabidiol, among which the reduction of stress and anxiety is the main one.

Aside from cannabis flowers, people are using a wide range of CBD products like oil, gummies, e-liquid, capsules, and more.

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