What is broad spectrum CBD?

Broad-spectrum CBD is one of the three basic forms of cannabidiol. All other forms belong to full-spectrum CBD and isolates. A feature of CBD of a wide spectrum of action is the almost complete absence of tetrahydrocannabinol in the composition. In other words, the absence of a euphoric effect significantly differs from other forms.

There are several ways to extract CBD from the cannabis plant. These extraction methods include steam distillation, solvent extraction, carbon dioxide extraction
and lipid extraction.

CBD isolate contains only pure CBD, while broad-spectrum CBD has all the cannabis compounds necessary for the patient (such as cannabichromene (CBC), cannabinol (CBN), and terpenes such as myrcene, limonene, or pinene) and an almost negligible amount of THC (up to 0.3%). This cannabidiol is aimed at patients who take the drug to combat anxiety and chronic pain. It does not typically contain THC, meaning it will not produce any unwanted “high” feeling.

Broad-spectrum CBD is legal at the federal level, given that THC content is less than 0.3%. Local state legislation may additionally regulate the distribution of a wide range of CBD. The product occupies an intermediate position between full-spectrum CBD and CBD isolate. It is a safe analog of other painkillers, antipruritic drugs, and sedatives.

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