How to vape CBD oil?

Vaping is one of the most common forms of consumption of cannabidiol in the form of oil. To start vaping CBD, you should heat the device for no more than 3 seconds, regardless of the oil used. During this time, the necessary vapors are formed, which should be slowly inhaled.

If you are using CBD vape oil for the first time via vape, you should limit yourself to a 10-minute break between each puff. It is important to monitor your condition when taking CBD vape oil for the first time.

The number of puffs per day is selected individually depending on the condition that the patient wants to achieve. In some pathologies, a couple of puffs a day is enough. Complex cases, such as chronic pain, can force the patient to take ten or more puffs a day.

CBD does not cause dependence. Therefore, the responsibility for the dosage lies with the attending doctor, who should choose the optimal dose for his patient, and with the consumer of CBD oil, who should monitor his condition when taking cannabidiol.

NB!: do not dilute CBD oil with other components not recommended by the manufacturer. Cannabis oil is already ready for use in the form in which it is available for sale.

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