How to use CBD oil?

There are several options for taking CBD oil:

  • Intake with food. Many patients use CBD oil as a rather tasty dietary supplement. The best option is to add oil to salads, soups, and pastries.
  • Reception with drinks. You can add CBD oil to water, tea, coffee, juice, or drink. At the moment, there are no restrictions on mixing CBD oil with drinks.
  • The use of pure oil. It is enough to drip the right amount of oil under the tongue. This method is ideal for those who want to feel the effect as quickly as possible.

In addition to CBD oil, it can be used in the form of capsules and other convenient forms. At the moment, the market for bioactive additives offers a lot of options.
As for the dosage, there are no uniform standards. Doctors recommend starting with 1-5 drops a day. If necessary, you can increase the dose to 10 or more drops per day. Take the dosage for at least 3-5 days and only then increase. In this case, take 2-3 doses everyday.

When choosing a dosage, it is necessary to take into account the patient’s condition, the intensity of symptoms, and the individual specifics of the body. If side effects are detected, reduce the dosage or temporarily stop taking the drug. In an alternative way, you can try CBD Gummies

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