Dr. Strains CBD Review

Dr Strains CBD


Hey, all you CBD enthusiasts and newbies out there! I’ve got something you’re going to want to hear about. You see, the world of CBD is vast, and filled with many players. Some are just in it for a quick buck, while others genuinely want to bring the benefits of this magical plant to the masses. But today, let’s chat about a brand that has managed to do something quite extraordinary—offer quality and affordability in the same package. I’m talking about none other than Dr. Strains CBD.

If you’ve been on the hunt for affordable CBD products without sacrificing quality, Dr. Strains is your guy—well, brand. Starting with a motto as clear as crystal, “Quality CBD flower at an affordable price,” this brand has truly been a game-changer. Founded in sunny Orlando, Florida, Dr. Strains aims to give you the freshest organic hemp flower, and they aren’t kidding around when they say “affordable.” We’re talking prices starting at just $3.79, folks! Whether you’re a regular user or a CBD retailer, you’re in for the same level of expertise and customer service.

But hang on, before we dive into their heavenly CBD products, let’s take a trip down memory lane and see how Dr. Strains carved its niche in this ultra-competitive market.

History of the Brand

Dr. Strains CBD entered the scene when the CBD market was practically flooded with pricey, yet often subpar products. From day one, they had a simple, yet impactful motto that they’ve stayed true to: “Quality CBD flower at an affordable price.” Launched in Orlando, Florida, Dr. Strains realized that most companies were overpricing their CBD products, not even giving a second thought to the consumers who genuinely needed access to quality CBD without breaking the bank.

2019 was a pivotal year for the brand. These folks not only talked the talk but also walked the walk by winning the “Best Hemp Flower” award at the 2019 CBD East Expo. That’s right; they’re award-winning and for good reason. This award wasn’t just a trophy to collect dust on a shelf but a testament to their commitment to quality.

One of the standout features of Dr. Strains is that they cater to everyone. Whether you’re an end customer seeking relief or a purchasing agent from a chain of vape stores looking for reliable products, Dr. Strains doesn’t discriminate. The brand has put a massive effort into maintaining consistent quality, which is why all of its products are lab-tested and 100% organic.

They took the time to understand what their customers needed and offered American products at unbeatable prices, especially during times when financial stability is more of a luxury than a given for many. So, while some brands might have flashy marketing, Dr. Strains focuses on what truly matters: quality, affordability, and a genuine concern for their customer base.


Alright, now that we’ve laid down the groundwork and you’ve got the 411 on Dr. Strains CBD’s origins and ethos, let’s dive into the fun part—their product line-up! Trust me, this brand knows how to keep its offerings as exciting as a kid in a candy store. Whether you’re a tincture lover, a gummy aficionado, a topical enthusiast, or a vaping maven, Dr. Strains has something special in store for you. Their products are like a ‘Greatest Hits’ album, but for CBD. Every single item is handpicked, lab-tested, and made with love, aiming to offer you the ultimate CBD experience without draining your wallet. So, ready to explore? Let’s get into it!

CBD Oil Tinctures & Drops

Ah, tinctures—the OG of the CBD world! When it comes to simplicity and versatility, nothing quite hits the mark like a good old CBD tincture. Whether you’re a busy bee needing a quick drop under the tongue or a culinary genius looking to infuse some CBD goodness into your dishes, tinctures are your go-to. Now, let me spill the tea: Dr. Strains CBD tinctures are something to write home about. Made from 100% organic hemp flower, these liquid gold drops are perfect for both newbies and seasoned pros. With lab tests backing their quality and potency, you can trust you’re getting the best bang for your buck. Ready to delve deeper?

CBD Gummies

Who doesn’t love gummies, right? Especially when they come packed with the therapeutic goodness of CBD. If you’re someone who wants to enjoy the benefits of CBD without the earthy taste of tinctures or the hassle of vaping, then Dr. Strains CBD gummies are your new best friend. These chewable delights are not just tasty but are also made from 100% organic hemp flower. Perfect for on-the-go relief or as a sweet treat before bed, these gummies are as convenient as they are delicious. Plus, like all Dr. Strains products, they’re lab-tested for quality and potency. Ready to chew your way to relaxation?

CBD Oil Creams & Topicals

If you’re seeking targeted relief from aches, pains, or even just dry skin, look no further than Dr. Strains CBD Oil Creams & Topicals. These aren’t your grandma’s creams; they’re next-level wellness potions designed to bring you the relief you crave. Infused with 100% organic hemp flower and tested rigorously in labs, you can trust these topicals to do their job effectively. Whether it’s a post-workout sore muscle or a pesky patch of dry skin, these creams and topicals are your ticket to fast and localized relief. So why wait? Time to rub your troubles away!

CBD For Vapours (CBD Vape)

For all you vaping enthusiasts out there, Dr. Strains hasn’t forgotten about you! Their range of CBD products for vapors is specifically crafted to meet your unique needs. With all the purity and potency you’ve come to expect from Dr. Strains, these vaping products are your go-to for quick and effective relief. Made from 100% organic hemp flower and stringently lab-tested, you’re getting the creme de la creme of CBD vaping experiences. Whether you’re a cloud chaser or someone who vapes discreetly, Dr. Strains has something in their vaping lineup just for you. Ready to take your vaping game to the next level?

Pros and Cons

👍 Pros👎 Cons
Affordable pricing starting at just $3.79Limited product range compared to some competitors
Award-winning “Best Hemp Flower” at the 2019 CBD East ExpoPrimarily based in Orlando, which may limit access for some
100% organic and lab-tested productsMay not offer international shipping options
High level of customer service and expertiseNo brick-and-mortar stores for in-person shopping
Caters to both end customers and retailersDoesn’t offer a wide variety of consumption methods beyond tinctures, gummies, topicals, and vaping


So there you have it, folks—the full rundown on Dr. Strains CBD, a brand that’s been making waves for all the right reasons. From their humble beginnings in Orlando, Florida, they’ve grown to become a brand synonymous with quality, affordability, and customer-centricity. They’ve shown us that it’s possible to get top-notch, award-winning CBD products without burning a hole in your pocket.

What sets Dr. Strains apart from the crowd is their commitment to their customers. Whether you’re a one-time shopper or a bulk buyer for a retail chain, you get the same level of attention and expertise. Their lab-tested, 100% organic product range is not only diverse but also specifically tailored to meet the needs of all kinds of CBD users—from tincture devotees to gummy lovers, from topical users to vaping aficionados.

While they may have a few cons, such as a limited product range compared to some market giants and being primarily based in Orlando, the pros far outweigh the cons. Affordability, quality, and a focus on customer needs are attributes that we can all get behind.

In a nutshell, if you’re on the lookout for a reliable, affordable, and high-quality CBD brand, Dr. Strains CBD should be on your radar. Ready to dive into their world of CBD goodness? You won’t regret it!


Information for this review was gathered from the official Dr. Strains CBD website and their social media channels, as well as customer testimonials. Additionally, insights were gleaned from coverage of their 2019 “Best Hemp Flower” award at the CBD East Expo. For the most accurate and up-to-date information, we recommend visiting Dr. Strains CBD’s official website.

5 thoughts on “Dr. Strains CBD Review”

  1. I’ve been using Dr. Strains CBD gummies for a while now and can definitely vouch for their quality and effectiveness. It’s great to see a company that focuses on both affordability and quality. I’m excited to try their other products too!

  2. winston weimann

    The review seems thorough and well-researched. I appreciate the use of multiple sources for information, including customer testimonials and official resources.

  3. rafael botsford

    It’s refreshing to see a CBD brand focusing on quality and affordability. I’ve tried Dr. Strains’ gummies and they really are as delicious as they’re described. The limited product range doesn’t bother me as long as what they offer is effective, and in my experience, it is. Looking forward to trying their other products.

  4. I’ve been using Dr. Strains CBD products for a while now and I couldn’t agree more with this article. The quality is top-notch, and I love that they are affordable and organic. The CBD gummies are my favorite – they’re a fun and tasty way to relax!

  5. This was a thorough review. I appreciate the fact that multiple sources were used for gathering information about Dr. Strains CBD, including customer testimonials. This gives a more comprehensive and realistic picture of the brand.

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